Source code for almanac.errors.argument_errors

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Tuple

from .almanac_error import AlmanacError
from .generic_errors import AlmanacKeyError

[docs]class BaseArgumentError(AlmanacError): """The base exception type for invalid arguments."""
[docs]class ArgumentNameCollisionError(BaseArgumentError): """An exception type for when argument names would collide.""" def __init__( self, *names: str ) -> None: if not names: msg = 'Cannot map multiple arguments with the same identifier.' elif len(names) == 1: msg = f'Cannot map multiple arguments with the same identifer {names[0]}.' elif len(names) == 2: msg = ( 'Cannot map multiple arguments with the same identifiers ' f'{names[0]} and {names[1]}.' ) else: joined_names = ','.join(names[:-1]) + f', and {names[-1]}' msg = f'Cannot map multiple arguments the same identifiers {joined_names}.' super().__init__(msg) self._names = names @property def names( self ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """A tuple of the argument names that spawned this error.""" return self._names
[docs]class InvalidArgumentNameError(BaseArgumentError): """An exception type for attempting to register invalid argument names."""
[docs]class MissingArgumentsError(BaseArgumentError): """An exception type for missing arguments.""" def __init__( self, *missing_args: str ) -> None: self._missing_args = missing_args if not missing_args: msg = 'Missing required argument(s).' elif len(missing_args) == 1: msg = f'Missing required argument {missing_args[0]}.' elif len(missing_args) == 2: msg = f'Missing required arguments {missing_args[0]} and {missing_args[1]}.' else: joined_names = ','.join(missing_args[:-1]) + f', and {missing_args[-1]}' msg = f'Missing required arguments {joined_names}.' super().__init__(msg) @property def missing_args( self ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """The arguments that were missing.""" return self._missing_args
[docs]class NoSuchArgumentError(BaseArgumentError, AlmanacKeyError): """An exception type for resolutions of non-existent arguments.""" def __init__( self, *names: str ) -> None: if not names: msg = 'No such argument with specified name.' elif len(names) == 1: msg = f'No such argument with name {names[0]}.' elif len(names) == 2: msg = f'No arguments exist with the name {names[0]} or {names[1]}.' else: joined_names = ','.join(names[:-1]) + f', or {names[-1]}' msg = f'No arguments exist with the name {joined_names}.' super().__init__(msg) self._names = names @property def names( self ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """A tuple of the argument names that triggered this error.""" return self._names
[docs]class TooManyPositionalArgumentsError(BaseArgumentError): """An exception type for when too many positional arguments are specified.""" def __init__( self, *values: Any ) -> None: if not values: raise ValueError('Must have at least one positional argument value') super().__init__(f'{len(values)} too many positional arguments.') self._values = values @property def values( self ) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """A tuple of the excess positional argument values.""" return self._values
[docs]class UnknownArgumentBindingError(BaseArgumentError): """An exception type for unknown issues in argument-binding.""" def __init__( self, signature: inspect.Signature, pos_args: Iterable[Any], kw_args: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: super().__init__('Unknown argument-binding error.') self._signature = signature self._pos_args = tuple(pos_args) self._kw_args = kw_args @property def signature( self ) -> inspect.Signature: """The signature that could not be bound to.""" return self._signature @property def pos_args( self ) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """The pos_args that could not be bound to the signature.""" return self._pos_args @property def kw_args( self ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """The kw_args that could not be bound to the signature.""" return self._kw_args