Source code for almanac.commands.mutable_command

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio

from collections import Counter
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Union

from .command_base import CommandBase
from .frozen_command import FrozenCommand
from ..arguments import MutableArgument
from ..errors import (
from ..types import CommandCoroutine

[docs]class MutableCommand(CommandBase, MutableMapping[str, MutableArgument]): """A command abstraction that allows for modification of its fields. The arguments of this command can be accessed via dict-like operations on instances of this class. Of note is that the keys for this dictionary are the argument names of the internal coroutine from this function (in contrast to a :class:`~almanac.commands.frozen_command.FrozenCommand`, which is keyed based on a :class:`~almanac.arguments.argument_base.ArgumentBase`'s ``display_name`` property). """ def __init__( self, coroutine: CommandCoroutine, *, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, argument_map: Optional[Mapping[str, MutableArgument]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__( coroutine, name=name, description=description, aliases=aliases ) self._argument_map: MutableMapping[str, MutableArgument] = {} for param_name, param in self._impl_signature.parameters.items(): self._argument_map[param_name] = MutableArgument(param) if argument_map is not None: self._argument_map.update(argument_map) __hash__ = None # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def ensure_command( new_command: Union[MutableCommand, CommandCoroutine] ) -> MutableCommand: if not isinstance(new_command, MutableCommand): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(new_command): raise CommandRegistrationError( 'Attempted to create a command with something other than an async ' f'function or MutableCommand: {new_command.__class__.__qualname__}' ) new_command = MutableCommand(new_command) return new_command
def _abstract_description_setter( self, new_description: str ) -> None: self._description = new_description def _abstract_name_setter( self, new_name: str ) -> None: self._name = new_name
[docs] def add_alias( self, *aliases: str ) -> None: for alias in aliases: self._aliases.append(alias)
[docs] def freeze( self ) -> FrozenCommand: """Convert this instance into a :class:`FrozenCommand`.""" display_name_counter = Counter(arg.display_name for arg in self.values()) conflicting_arg_names = [ display_name for display_name, count in display_name_counter.items() if count > 1 ] if conflicting_arg_names: raise ArgumentNameCollisionError(*conflicting_arg_names) frozen_argument_map = { arg.display_name: arg.freeze() for arg in self.values() } return FrozenCommand( self.coroutine,, description=self.description, aliases=self.aliases, argument_map=frozen_argument_map )
def __delitem__( self, argument_real_name: str ) -> None: try: del self._argument_map[argument_real_name] except KeyError: raise NoSuchArgumentError(argument_real_name) def __iter__( self ) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._argument_map) def __getitem__( self, argument_real_name: str ) -> MutableArgument: try: return self._argument_map[argument_real_name] except KeyError: raise NoSuchArgumentError(argument_real_name) def __len__( self ) -> int: return len(self._argument_map.keys()) def __setitem__( self, argument_real_name: str, argument: MutableArgument ) -> None: self._argument_map[argument_real_name] = argument